Interdisciplinary Polytrauma Course

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Interdisciplinary certified course. Aims: to cover the whole chain of treatment and
to unite the knowledge of general surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic trauma 
surgeons, intensive care and emergency physicians to provide an interdisciplinary


Trauma Bay Simulation

  • Trauma Bay Simulation takes place at our simulation center at the University Hospital Zurich. Polytrauma cases are introduced to the participants, strategies and interventions are discussed between an interdisciplinary team. Participants are evaluated according to team-interaction, decision-making and team-performance.

Case Session / Workshops

  • Real Polytrauma cases are presented by our team. Surgical interventions, decision making and strategies are critically discussed – experts and participants. Case Session.


Language: Englisch

FachgebieteOperative O&U, Unfallchirurgie, Orthopädie und Polytrauma
ZielgruppenAssistenzärzte in Weiterbildung, Belegärzte, Fachärzte und Niedergelassene
wiss. LeitungProf. Dr. med. Hans-Christoph Pape, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Simmen
CME-Punkte16 Die Credits/Teilnehmerbestätigungen können in der Aerztekammer eingereicht werden (Notfallmedizin, Anästhesie, Radiologie, Chirurgie)
VeranstalterKlinik für Traumatologie UniversitätsSpital Zürich
AdresseUniversity Hospital of Zurich
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