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EFORT, the European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, stands for the power of collaboration. It was born from the idea that surgeons, divided by nationality and subspecialty, could unite under a common purpose – to restore and secure mobility, musculoskeletal health, and quality of life for the good of our patients.
Evolved from education and dissemination of research a key role of EFORT is now the promotion of better patient care and building a protective shield, safeguarding both patients and surgeons from adverse external forces. In a world where healthcare is often subject to political, economic, and regulatory pressures, advocates work tirelessly to ensure that the best interests of patients and healthcare providers are upheld. Perhaps one of the most crucial roles of EFORT’s advocacy efforts is representing our specialty collaboratively and proactively so that politicians listen from within the corridors of power,
where decisions with far-reaching consequences are being made.
Fachgebiete | Kindertraumatologie, Konservative O&U, Operative O&U, Unfallchirurgie, Rehabilitation, Orthopädie, Schulter und Ellenbogen, Wirbelsäule, Sportverletzungen und Wissenschaft |
Zielgruppen | Assistenzärzte in Weiterbildung, Belegärzte, Chefärzte, D-Ärzte, Fachärzte, Niedergelassene und Oberärzte |
Veranstalter | EFORT |
Adresse | In Google Maps ansehen › |
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