Hip meets Spine 2020

Hinweis: Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit

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Welcome note

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues,

The interdisciplinary meeting concept “Hip meets spine” was successfully launched in 2019. This new approach brings experts from two specialities together for a scientific exchange. Our aim is to open the view for adjacent anatomical regions and associated pathologies.

The implication of interaction between hip and spine becomes increasingly significant with pathophysiology interactions across the sacro-iliac joint. The second edition of this symposium will focus on aspects related the growing spine and hip in children and adolescents. Debates will be conducted around pain originating from the back, the hip and the sacro-iliac joint. A complementary focus will be the relationship of spinal deformities, leg length discrepancies and hip arthroplasty. A session dedicated to enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) will discuss therapeutic pathways.

Scientific exchange is not just fruitful between different specialities but also between various regions. Whereas hip and spine surgeons sometimes seem to speak different languages, experts from different countries do that by nature. France and Germany are historically important concerning development and research within the orthopaedic society and are still in a leading position.
So dare to look with us across the Rhine respectively the sacroiliac joint. It is our pleasure to provide a platform for an international meeting with renowned experts.

We warmly welcome you and look forward to seeing you in the charming and inspiring university city and European capital Strasbourg!

Dr. med. Bernd Wiedenhöfer
Prof. Dr. Yann Philippe Charles
Prof. Dr. med. Georg Köster
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Clarius

FachgebieteOrthopädie, Wirbelsäule und Hüfte
ZielgruppenD-Ärzte, Fachärzte und Oberärzte
wiss. LeitungDr. med. Bernd Wiedenhöfer Centre for spine surgery ATOS Clinic Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Heidelberg | Germany Prof. Dr. Yann Philippe Charles Centre for spine surgery Strasbourg University Hospital Strasbourg Cedex | France Prof. Dr. med. Georg Köster D
Veranstaltungs­informationenAnmeldung HMS 2020.pdf
VeranstalterConventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
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