Hands On Instructional Course Traumatic Vertebral Fractures

Hinweis: Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit

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Cost and registration
Participation in this course costs 295.00 euros per person.
This course is limited to a maximum of 16 students.
You can register via e-mail: n.kool@umcg.nl or by telephone +3150361 28 76. After this you will get a definitive registration form from us. Your definitive placement will take place after payment.

The lectures
The lectures will be given plenary, with the opportunity for interactive participation. The course will use the recent published European recommendation on thoracolumbar spine fractures from the European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. During the practical part, you will participate in all four stations. This gives you the opportunity to train under the guidance of an experienced instructor. The skills center is a modern and fully equipped training center and offers many facilities.

Navigation: Real Spine Models
For navigated pedicle screw placement we will use Real Spine models, which are very realistic dummies. They are build-up of sawbone and soft tissue and even the blood supply and dura are present. The CT data from the models are loaded into the Brainlab navigation system.

OR situation:
The OR situation is simulated. You will be working with specific embalmed Thiel’se bodies, original instruments, implants and an image intensifier. You will train both the dorsal and ventral approach under the guidance of experienced specialists. Lumbar pelvic fixation is also covered.

The departments of Trauma Surgery of the UMCG and the Amsterdam UMC organize in cooperation with
DePuy Synthes a Hands On Instructional Course Traumatic Vertebral Fractures.
The OR situation is fully simulated with Thiel’se bodies,
original instruments, implants and an image intensifier.
Navigation is trained on modern realistic dummies.

About the course
Target Group: Trauma surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, fellows and residents in surgery / orthopaedics / neurosurgery.

At the end of the course:
➢ You will become familiar with the new European recommendation on thoracolumbar spine fractures of the European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
➢ You can describe and classify a vertebral fracture.
➢ You can determine the correct indication for a surgical stabilization.
➢ You have knowledge of current insights about the timing of an operation
➢ You are familiar with different stabilization techniques
➢ You will know how to act in case of a spinal cord injury.
FachgebieteUnfallchirurgie, Orthopädie, Wirbelsäule, Polytrauma und Wissenschaft
ZielgruppenAssistenzärzte in Weiterbildung, Belegärzte, Chefärzte, Fachärzte, Niedergelassene und Oberärzte
wiss. LeitungKlaus Wendt
Veranstaltungs­informationenprogramma sept 2023.pdf
VeranstalterUniversity Medical Cent er Groningen
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