IBRA Advanced Course: Complex Fractures of Forearm and Wrist

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Target audience
Recommended for fellows and attending physicians/consultants.

Main specialty of the event
Starting with the classification of the injury or deformity, the faculty members share their preferred approach, treatment, and follow-up of cases with advanced difficulty.

Expected educational outcomes
Extend common knowledge and skills and awareness of surgical techniques by exchanging less frequent or demanding cases of orthopedics and traumatology.

FachgebieteUnfallchirurgie, Orthopädie, Arthroskopie und Handchirurgie
ZielgruppenAssistenzärzte in Weiterbildung, Chefärzte, Fachärzte und Oberärzte
wiss. LeitungDr. Wolfgang Hintringer, Prof. Dr. Martin Leixnering
VeranstalterIBRA - International Bone Research Association
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