Surgical Guidance

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Surgical Guidance provides you with well-structured and high-quality videos which will improve your surgical knowledge and can help you with the preparation of your next surgery. Each masterclass highlights one joint and includes different fracture treatments and surgical approaches. Renowned surgeons from all over the world will guide you step-by-step through the following chapters:
•             Preparation & Planning
•             Medical Devices
•             Approach
•             Surgery
•             Summary & Aftercare

New content is constantly being published.
FachgebieteOperative O&U, Unfallchirurgie, Orthopädie, Schulter und Ellenbogen, Fußchirurgie, Knie, Handchirurgie, Endoprothetik, Arthroskopie, Polytrauma, Hüfte und Alterstraumatologie
ZielgruppenAssistenzärzte in Weiterbildung, Fachärzte, Oberärzte und Studenten
wiss. Leitungseveral instructors
VeranstalterWST Hands-On